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Ukeshe Technologies to launch new product in Asia-Pacific

Ukheshe Technologies plans to takes its digital-first solutions to Asia-Pacific

Ukeshe Technologies, a digital fintech provider based in South Africa is looking to expand its operation into the Asia-Pacific region with the introduction of its new product- an innovative digital-first payment solutions.

The new innovation is a function of Ukeshe's key partnerships over the years including Mastercard, as well as a number of high-profile telecommunications providers, and other organisations throughout Africa and in other key global locations.

“Ukheshe aims to partner with local institutions by offering credible, agile solutions in an ever-changing market. Our payment technologies also solve for the problems of expensive acceptance rails and carrying cash, particularly in markets within Asia-Pacific where digital wallets are expected to become the preferred online payment method over the next four years.” Clayton Hayward, CEO of Ukheshe

Newly appointed President- Donovan Drew will lead Ukheshe's Asia-Pacific ambition. Drew has a wealth of experience in enterprise software, telecommunications, networks, outsourcing, services, security and fintech solutions, representing various technologies across several industries.

“...We believe we can aid traditional players in re-securing some of their traditional flows by partnering with issuers and acquirers in a dynamic and constantly evolving environment. On the back of tremendous success in Africa, Asia-Pacific offers a similar opportunity to use our talent and experience to deliver world-class payment solutions.” Donovan Drew - Newly appointed president.

Eclipse is the brain behind Ukheshe’s digital-first offering. Eclipse is an innovative orchestration framework layer that allows single API integration to access multiple payment solutions with third-party products. This functionality helps Ukheshe in partnering with a variety of customizable payment products.

The Eclipse API offers user authentication and KYC, virtual and prepaid cards, digital wallets, loan management, messaging, fraud detection, payments, e-Commerce, Mastercard acquiring, issuing, all in one integrated credible payment solution.

Currently, Ukheshe provide platforms and technology that support nine issuers – made up of 3 telcos and six banks and fintechs, 334 029 merchants and 2 271 880 apps combined, which process millions of transactions every month.

South Africa in focus

GDP: $351.432 billion (2019 estimates)

Population: 58,558,267 (2019 estimates)

GDP per capita: $6,001 (2019 estimates)

