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African Music Superstar, Davido Announces Partnership with Crypto Payments App, Bitsika

Davido, one of Africa's biggest music superstars, has signed a partnership with BitSika, a Ghanaian-based crypto payments app.

The superstar announced the partnership deal on Twitter and Instagram, encouraging his fans to download and support the app.

A claerly excited Davido called the deal his ‘first fintech partnership’ along with a picture of him holding a BitSika t-shirt next to the CEO of BitSika, Atsu Davoh.

The impressive campaign became a trending topic in Nigeria, Africa's largest crypto market, and clearly caught widespread attention, evidenced by the conversations on the BitSika website.

In fact, BitSika CEO tweeted about the massive traffic that caused their servers to temporarily go down.

BitSika has seen impressive growth in Q3, 2020 as shown below:

  • $17 million processed (deposits & withdrawals)
  • 18, 000 new users
  • Over 90, 000 success transactions
  • Over 7, 400 people made at least one successful transaction

Nigeria In Focus:

Population - 206.6 million (Compared to South Africa's 59.6 million)

GDP: $504.57 billion (Compared to South Africa's $369.85 billion)

GDP Per Capita: $2,465 (Compared to South Africa's $6,193)

