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Mastercard Start Path Global 2021 Program for Innovative later-stage Startups

Start Path Global is Mastercard’s worldwide program for innovative later stage startups from across the globe.

Application Deadline: July 24th 2020

Start Path Global is Mastercard’s program for innovative later stage startups from across the globe.

Since 2014 Mastercard has been working with an ever growing portfolio of startups with unique solutions across fintech and commerce. Start Path Global is based on what has worked best for Mastercard's portfolio of startups: more flexibility, more customization, and no distractions from your current business.

Image Credit: Stock Image

Key Program Features:
⚭ Six month virtual program tailored to the individual needs of your company
⚭ No need to move from your home location
⚭ No equity is taken up front (but an option to participate in your next round)
⚭ Immediate access to 60+ Mastercard experts
⚭ Connections to potential customers – global corporate brands spanning banking, retail, tech and telecoms
⚭ Funds provided so that you have no out of pocket expenses

Mastercard Start Path work with later stage startups in the broad fintech and commerce space that fit these criteria:

❖ Solution – Demonstrated commercial traction, clear product differentiation and competitive advantage.

❖ Market – Solving real pain points for your customers, targeting a sizable market.

❖ Team – Strong founder team with key roles established, experienced entrepreneurs and/or track record of relevant industry expertise.

❖ Funding – Investment raised (seed, Series A, or later) with at least 6-12 month runway, plans to raise next institutional round

❖ Attitude – Global mentality, open to opportunity and mentoring.

Learn More & Apply

